puce CTSOur references - Undertake for the waterway transport (FR Entreprendre Pour le Fluvial)

Study on modal shift success stories and related key success factors


Missions :


- Case studies
- Benchmarking
- Rationalization of Modal shift concept
- Best practices compilation


Custumers :

Undertake for the waterway transport (FR Entreprendre Pour le Fluvial)

Country :

France, Belgium, Netherlands

Year :


Objectives of the project :

This study is directly connected with the national objective to increase the non-road transport market share to 25% to 2020. The challenge is to provide ways and best practices to develop the waterway transport regarding success stories.

Activities performed by CTS :

CTS has been recruited to assist EPF in a European benchmarking, in the realization of a reference book and a guide of best practices of modal shif (based on real success stories "road to barge")